When you join Arta, we’ll start by verifying your identity and opening an account with our trusted broker/dealer and custodian, BNY Pershing. This process typically takes 2-3 days. If we need any additional information from you, our team will be in touch via email to ensure everything is set up smoothly.
Once your account is ready, you can transfer either SGD or USD into your Pershing account. For detailed steps on the transfers, see “What types of assets can be moved via each transfer option?”.
Any SGD funds transferred will automatically be converted to USD, and any USD funds held in your Pershing account will be placed into a money market fund where they can earn interest.
Please note that you will receive statements and occasional communications from Pershing. We will also have statement information in the Arta app. Statements and documents are available in your Arta app on the Office screen under “Documents.” However, some alternative investment funds will send statements via mail, depending on the fund.
If you have any questions about how your Arta account works, please email us at membership@artafinance.com. We're here to help!