Funds sent via wire generally arrive in your Arta account within a couple of business days.
However, if certain information is missing from the wire instructions, the wire will be unsuccessful. This most commonly happens when the wire instructions are missing your “Unique Arta Code”. Your Unique Arta code can be found by following these steps:
- From your Arta home screen, navigate to "Your Portfolio" and select "Add funds"
- Choose "Wire Transfer" from the list of transfer methods
- View or copy your "Unique Wire Code" from the "Wire Instructions" screen that follows.
This code tells Pershing the specific account to deposit the funds into. Think of it like a unit number in an apartment building. If Pershing can not deposit the funds, they will return them to your bank within 3 to 5 business days. Your bank will then return the funds to your account and you may inquire with your financial institution for more information on this timeline.
While unsettling to see your funds leave your financial institution's account and not be deposited to your Arta account, this does happen from time to time and you can be confident that the funds will be returned to you.
For assistance with pending wires, please email us at